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Thursday 5 Dec 2024 in Paris



Our News...

Charity dinner

The medical association ESPOIR SANTE AFRIQUE please note that it will organize its next charitable event

5 December 2024 in Paris from 18:00

in the presence of Mrs Jocelyne BEROARD,
Sponsorship of the association.

Click here to reserve your seat at Early Bird
(Value until 5 November 2024 – CB or transfer)

We would be very pleased to know you and to be able to count you among our generous donors and fund-raising sponsors to be organized on this occasion.

The charity dinner will be enhanced by the auction of photos made by Dr Guy WELADJI, President and co-founder of ESA.



Cameroon: NGO "Hope for Health Africa" Launches Care Campaign in Eastern Cameroon · Global Voices

In the context of an ever-increasing economic crisis and poverty, the association "Espoir Santé Afrique" launched a travelling health campaign from 11 to 15 December in eastern Cameroon. A way of contributing to the fight against medical deserts and a structurally inadequate provision of care.


Here we go! Douala Multicare Centre finally opens its doors to help the poorest

The multi-disciplinary care centre, which had started construction in 2018, is finally completed and it is with joy that the Espoir Santé Afrique association was able to accommodate its first patients in March 2024. Intended for the poorest, this centre should contribute to a marked improvement in the level of health in Douala (Cameroon).

Humanitarian doctor
The association

Hope Health Africa

For a long time, the African continent is confronted with the weakness of health systems, a lack of human resourcesdifficult access to low-performing public health care, governance and leadership; added to this a lack of a comprehensive, integrated and inclusive approach to health problem resolution processes.
However, many development assistance programmes have been set up and financial support has been provided to improve the provision of health care and services through various national and international programmes; Unfortunately, they are still insufficient.
The Association Espoir Santé Afrique is made up of doctors, pharmacists, nurses and people from civil society, all volunteers, whose mission is to improve the health status of the most disadvantaged populations in Africa, and in particular in Cameroon.

A vision that is not accompanied by actions is only a dream. An action that does not result from a vision is time lost. A vision followed by action can change the world."

We take advantage of this space to pay tribute to Jacob Desvarieux, sponsor of our association and companion of the first hour.
His commitment to us and his sincere and profound interest in our cause have been of great support to us.

We will continue to work with him in mind and always keep with us his benevolent smile and vision for Africa.

Our Causes

Mother-child health clinic

The association wanted to provide the population with a reception and accompaniment platform such as a social dispensary, allowing easy access to primary care for people in difficulty.


Multidisciplinary Care Centre

Since 2018, the Association Espoir Santé Afrique has undertaken concrete actions such as the multidisciplinary care centre (in Douala, Cameroon) whose construction was completed at the end of 2021


The connected mobile clinic

The objectives of the connected mobile clinic are part of our Association's medical strategy. This inclusive project connects local professionals and patients with diagnostic tools.


Support us

Help us provide quality care to those who need it most!

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Total donation: 100,00€



Thank you for your valuable support!

The entire team of the association Espoir Santé Afrique thanks you for your benefactory presence with us, at all times and anywhere.

You, too, volunteer!

Would you like to become a volunteer in our association?

Your help, whatever its form is welcome.


Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to work with the association. We are at your disposal.
See you soon!





+590 690 487 986